Preiser Feuerwehrmann1


Knuffingen is one of the oldest theme worlds at the Wunderland, besides Austria and Central Germany. The town counts 10,000 inhabitants and is situated beautifully between the Harz Mountains and the Alps. It is one of the biggest towns in Wunderland.

Knuffingen is a stronghold of innovation, famous far beyond the borders of the Wunderland. Like some other German cities it is well known for its car industry. Our groundbreaking Carsystem at the Wunderland was first installed in Knuffingen and, with 400 vehicles in motion, is still the biggest Carsystem section in the Wunderland. The police in Knuffingen is also well equipped. A very modern speed trap catches speeding truckers on a regular basis.

The fire brigade is the busiest department in Knuffingen. The city’s central computer system has fallen prey to arsonists for years now and therefore there is a fire somewhere in Knuffingen every 15 minutes. So far we haven’t been able to catch the fire starter, much to the joy of our visitors and at the expense of the Knuffingen fire department, therefore the wailing siren will remain one of Knuffingen’s distinguishing features.

There is a long lasting partnership between the Hamburg and Knuffingen THW (Governmental disaster relief organization), since they have been working together in many ways for a long time.

Facts & Figures about Knuffingen

Castle Löwenstein in Knuffingen


Be part of the biggest fire run!

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