Ready for take-off? Facts and figures about the Airport and impressions of this technical masterpiece can be found here.
After 150,000 h of work, 40,000 LED's bulbs (each of them installed manually), 100 km of electric wiring, 15,000 miniature figures, 1,000 mmeters of railway tracks, more than more than 50,000 lines of code, and 4,000,000 Euros turned into miniatures, on May 4th 2011 we finally made it: The inauguration of our Knuffingen Airport took place!
In order to simulate the approx. about 250 take-offs and landings per day, we tested many different systems. In the end, we decided for a catapult that allows our fleet of 47aircrafts to glide through the air.
In addition, you'll find an extensive Carsystem at the airport. Next to a well-equipped Airport Fire Brigade (which comes into action with up to 14 vehicles in case of an emergency landing), there are numerous buses and service vehicles such as catering cars, fresh water and tank trucks, pumping engines, push-back cars, and many more. The Airport is connected with Knuffingen, so vehicles from both sections can share the automatic charging stations.