At the Wunderland
We are very happy about your visit to Miniatur Wunderland. And we are even more pleased when you return home with a radiant smile. Here you will find information about our versatile service offers!
Once arrived in Wunderland ...
... you will understand what is so special about this place. To get you in the right mood, you can click through a few impressions of our worlds here.

The tracks of the railway lead all the way to the polar ocean at the Miniatur Wunderland.

Der Blick von der Elbe über die Landungsbrücken mit dem markanten Uhrenturm auf die Speicherstadt

There's only a little time gap between landing and the next take-off. The loading of luggage, refueling, and cleaning of the cabins is carried out under high pressure.

One of the most famous landmarks in Wunderland's Bavaria: Neuschwanstein Castle.

Auf dem Weg ins Voralpenland kann man vom Wendelberg aus noch einmal zurück auf die Gipfel und das Skigebiet der verschneiten Wunderländer Alpen blicken.

Travelers exiting or changing trains at Brichur station have the chance of visiting a few beautiful churches and chapels.

With a length of 2.2 meters, the AIDAblu is the largest vessel of Wunderland.

Frontaler Blick auf die Elbphilharmonie, das Restaurant Kehrwieder Spitze und das Columbus Haus.

In the shade of palm trees this Amtrack engine is waiting in the Key West station.

The church tower in the center of Knuffingen is a good landmark for tourists. The photo shows the backside with church yard and the market place in front. The non-authentic backdrop shows the foothills of the pre-Alps.

During the harvest time you can't be too sure that this hideaway will be safe.

The six-lane main street runs through the large hotels and their spectacular attractions.

More than 20,000 fans are enthusiastic about the show.

The impressive convent towers over the town Bad Klosterberg.

High on a hill is the Castello di Montebello on the border to the Italy theme world.

The dolphinarium at Seaworld is a well-known attraction. We built only a small detail of the site.

Close to the subway station Rödingsmarkt the IRS building is on fire. Luckily, the Hamburg fire department is already on site.

Meticulously groomed flower beds on the castle ground are shaped in geometric patterns. A few vintage car aficionados with their cars have met at the representative plaza in front of the castle.

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