1910 - 1933

The country is on straight course into the Great Depression in the end of the 1920s. The people are facing social hardships and unemployment.

World War I and Weimar Republic

The Town

In so-called soup kitchens established by welfare organizations, people are being fed with warm meals.


Due to the hyperinflation money has lost its worth.

Soldiers and War

There’s a massive militarization throughout Germany. Now, the castle serves as a military hospital for the wounded in World War I. Each day, new injured are brought in. They will be sent back to the front upon their recuperation.

For war propaganda reasons, pictures of the wounded are taken in the sunlight outdoors.


At the same time, people are trying to liberate themselves from social morals and political restraints. This development leads to changes in architecture, the arts, and fashion (secession). Reflecting a liberated mindset, the first rational dresses are worn without corsets. Women are demonstrating in the streets as well. There’s an election in the town hall, but only taxpayers are eligible to vote, women are not, yet.

Morris columns show first contemporary advertisements – because nudity is still considered offensive, people are appalled at a revealing exhibition poster.

This emergence leads first into democracy, but in the early 1930s, it breaks apart with the rise of National Socialism. People of all classes are openly showing anti-Semitism. Ever again there’re conflicts between unions and the radical right-wing.

The Factory

The factory produces bicycles; the building has grown into a large industrial complex. There’s a demonstration for women’s right to vote – worker’s wives and female workers are being animated to participate.