Ticket notification
Currently tickets are bookable until January 6th, 2026. Tickets for the period from January 7th, 2026 will be available at a later date. If you would like to be notified when these tickets are available, please sign up below (no guarantee for the mail):
ATTENTION: You will receive a confirmation email, but only when you confirm the registration within the email, you will receive our notification. If you do not receive it, please also check your SPAM folder and add news@news.miniatur-wunderland.de to the regular senders list.
We offer the notification as a service, but cannot guarantee that the mail will arrive or that you will be able to book your desired date, since tickets can be sold out quickly. The notification does not entitle you to a ticket booking.
Our sister hotel PIERDREI has a contingent in the “Wunderland overnight package”. The Hotel PIERDREI is 400 meters from the Wunderland and the Wunderland packages are currently available.
Or you book one of our hotel packages with Hamburg Tourism, there are tickets included as well.

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