Preiser Tanzende Kinder

Donation Pins and Magnets

We live in a rich part of the world. Many of us are doing well to very good - but looking at the rest of the world though, we are doing excellent and outstanding.

Background Information

Fortunately, there is a great will to help the less privileged and generous amounts of money are donated for the good cause. Still, every day around the world thousands of children are dying who, had their fate been different and were they born in rich countries like Germany, probably would still be alive today. But also in Germany there are poverty and illnesses, which hinder children from having the harmonious and care free childhood that most of you probably had.

We are only a small middle class enterprise, but we are lucky to draw quite a bit of attention. We have already used this attention in the past to support charities, including donations from ourselves as well. Both of this shall bring a lot more money in the future for the good cause.

Now we have come up with a special campaign: Many people have asked us about pins from the Wunderland in the past. Since 2007, we release a new collectible pin every month, and since 2010, we offer collectible magnets as well. The pins and magnets of each annual edition share a common theme, e.g. a section of the layout or special vehicles. They cost 2.90 Euros each, a standard market price - but in our case, it is entirely forwarded to the respective recipient of the donation, as our share of the donation are the manufacturing costs for the pins and magnets. We don’t deduct them and donate the total gross turnover from the sale.

Between the years 2001 and 2019 we had varying quantities for each pin and magnet (between 1,000 and 2,500 pieces each). Consequently, each pin had earned a different sum for donations. The pins with the most votes received the highest donation amount.
In 2020, we had an even quantity of 750 magnets and 750 pin for each design, so a monthly donation amount of 4,350.00 Euro.
In 2021 we produced 762 Magnets and 360 pins which amounts to 2,992.80 Euro dontations in each month.
We’ll receive the same amount again for the year 2022, however, this year we are producing 600 magnets and 432 pins for each design.

Since January 2023, we do not feature monthly assigned pins and magnets any longer; Instead we now have many different, permanent charity pins and magnets.
In the beginning of each year, we will estimate a reasonable prognosis about the amount we’ll expect to sell and then divide the sum by 12. That means, each month, the organizations you have chosen will receive the same donation sum. We think, that is actually a much fairer solution to all. At the end of the year, we’ll check whether we have a surplus or minus, and will calculate that difference into the next year.

2023 we had a monthly donation of 3.000,00 Euro.
2024 we had a monthly donation of 4.000,00 Euro from January-June and 6.000,00 Euro from July-December.

If you buy at least one charity pin or magnet, you can sign up for the elections, and every 3 months, you will receive an e-mail with organizations that are nominated for election. The first three in the ranking will receive the money, the last organization will get erased from the list. Of course, you can nominate your own favorite children’s charity organization. If you have any questions, Sabine will be happy to answer you:

We hope everyone will join in! We look forward to your participation!

Thank You,

Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

Current Pins and Magnets

Ever since 2007, we release a new pin, as well as a magnet (since 2010), every month, with the most beautiful Wunderland scenes for collectors to buy. The entire turnover of these sales (and we are not deducting manufacturing costs) is being donated to a good cause - different ones every month. The buyers decide to which cause or institution the proceeds should be donated. The pins and magnets can be bought separately or as annual collections, which include a bonus pin or magnet. A pin or magnet costs 2.90 Euros each, and will hopefully be purchased by all our visitors at our Onlineshop or within the exhibition.

Current Suggestions

Who shall receive the donation money?

Every quarter the buyers of the donation pin annual edition may choose the three institutions who shall be pin partners for the next three months. The suggestions for the institutions come from you.

In order to keep the list at a manageable length, at every vote the last three places are taken from the list and can’t be voted for again at the next election.

1.) Children’s Hospice “Lionheart“ in Syke
The children’s hospice “löwenherz” in Syke, close to Bremen, has eight rooms for extremely ill children, as well as for their parents and siblings. Children will be accepted, whose illness will be terminal, and who cannot be healed with today’s medical means. The association has made it their highest goal to make sure the hospice can stay open. It is the hospice’s assignment to enlighten society about the sensitive subject of “dying children” and to support the parents and siblings.

2.) Verein Leben im Abseits e.V. (transl.: Foundation ‚Marginal Existence’)
Leben im Abseits’ was founded to educate the general public about the unacceptable and degrading life on the streets, and to raise the awareness that homeless people have the right to be treated with the same dignity respect, and decency as everyone else. We are dedicating our work to find effective, unbureaucratic solutions. It is our aim to prompt a change in the general mindset on a political, economic, and societal level, as well as to reduce inhibitions and reluctancies towards people in need to encourage respectful interactions with them. Without doubt, the mesh in the social security netting is increasingly getting bigger, and that the effects of poverty will further accelerate in the upcoming years. By continuously expanding our network and our cooperation with existing facilities which permanently support socially deprived and homeless people, we want to improve their situation and we aim to sensitize the general public for this topic.

3.) Lebenswunsch e.V.
In co-operation with employees and volunteers in hospice and palliative labor, we strive to fulfill last life wishes with a focus on self-determination and the safety of the involved parties. Wherever desired and possible, we include relatives as well. Thus, we are giving joyful moments to be shared with all involved. The organization ‚Lebenswunsch e.V.‘ (translat: ‚make a wish‘) was founded to fulfill special personal wishes for terminally ill patients, and to make sure that they can experience their ‚life wish‘ moments with joy. We are working exclusively on a volunteer basis. In all concerns we protect the privacy and the self-determination of the patients.

4.) Die Muschel e.V. “The Shell” (mobile child and youth hospice service)
Receiving a serious diagnosis puts entire families into a state of emergency- it changes everything. Everyday life must go on in addition to the emotional and psychological strain - having time is something very precious. The focus of our work is on children and adolescents with life-shortening illnesses and their families. Our trained volunteer staff visit the families at home regularly, dealing with both- the sick child and the healthy siblings. They have an open ear for the worries and fears – not only of the children but also of the parents.

5.) Hände für Kinder e.V. (Hands for children)
The booster club “Hände für Kinder e.V.“ is going to provide a short term home for severely disabled children in order to take the weight off their parents shoulders for a little while ( the “Neuer Kupferhof”). In 2011 the association managed to buy the Kupferhof, in 2012 the remodeling took place. After that the small guests with big handicaps are welcome at the Kupferhof. The Kupferhof and its team will take care of children and young adults who are severely disabled and need care and attention around the clock. This way, parents, who tend to their children 24/7 can have a bit of leisure time and recuperate from the intensive care. At the Kupferhof therapists and nurses are also going to be there for consultations.

6.) Hamburg Leuchtfeuer
Hamburg Leuchtfeuer ("Hamburg Beacon") aims at empowering people with a serious illness to live a self-determined life, thus enhancing their quality of life despite their respective condition. Hamburg Leuchtfeuer offers assistance in the patient's home even at an early stage. It also runs a hospice center thus providing a place where people can live pain-free and with dignity for the time they have left. Hamburg Leuchtfeuer was founded in 1994 as a care organization for people suffering from HIV and AIDS.

7.) Mission Lebenshaus / Kinder-und Jugendhospiz
On August 20th 2014, the Angelika Reichelt Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Joshuas Engelreich ("Angelika Reichelt Children's and Youths' Hospice Joshuas Engelreich") was opened in the city of Wilhelmshaven. From the very beginning our house was meant to be a place to live, laugh and mourn. We provide help and support for children, teenagers and young adults with terminal diseases as well as their families in times of need. Unfortunately, official funding covers only 50% of the overall costs for care, support, housing of our guests and their families, thus we depend on fundraising for the remaining 50%. Please help us help young people and their families by contributing to our pin donation campaign, so that they can get relief and support in the remaining time to the end of their lives.

8.) wünschdirwas e.V. (make a wish association)
Wünschdirwas e.V. is a charitable association from Cologne. For the past 25 years many volunteers and 4 employees have been fulfilling the heart’s desires of children and young adults with serious illnesses. An unforgettably beautiful experience can give confidence, energy and the courage to face life and help to forget the illness for a little while. Wünschdirwas e.V. works in all of Germany in cooperation with doctors and therapists in more than 90 hospitals, children’s hospitals and hospices:

9.) SOS Kinderdörfer (SOS Children’s Villages)
The SOS Children’s Villages take care of the well being of children around the world. In the villages orphans and other children in need have the possibility to grow up in a family. They receive shelter, food, education and medical treatment:

10.) Doctors without borders
“Doctors without borders” is a private medical first aid organization, with their basic principles written down in a Charter. One of these principles is to help all victims regardless of their ethnic origin or their religious or political beliefs. “Doctors without borders” is neutral and impartial and works free of any bureaucratic constraints. To keep this independence they are financed by at least half through private donations:

11.) Bestohlen, beraubt, misshandelt - Der WEISSE RING hilft (Robbed or Abused, the WHITE RING Will Help)
The WEISSE RING in Hamburg has 80 well trained volunteer workers (3,000 all throughout Germany). They are like a social lifebelt, counselor, companion and supporter for all people and families who have fallen victim to crime and brutality (in Hamburg alone there are 1,300 cases a year). The volunteers help the victims with their anger, pain and sadness and are there as long as they are needed (sometimes years). They help in finding new perspectives on life. Every year the WEISSE RING lends 14,000 hours of support in Hamburg alone. The WEISSE RING also engages in projects to prevent violence with teenagers and is financed solely through donation money, member fees and inheritances:

12.) Kinder- und Jugendhospiz
The "Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Regenbogenland" (Children's and Youths' Hospice Rainbow Land) is a home for children with a limited life expectancy due to a fatal disease or a severe handicap. It is a place that focuses on life and joyful living, thus allowing families to spend the remaining time with their child as positively and fulfilling as possible. It is also meant to be a support for the family and a complement to the health care at home which can - especially in the long run - become very challenging for the relatives involved.

Viva Con Agua
Water - together with air - is the most important element of life. Only with water, life can be created, water is life. Water is the necessity for a healthy and happy life. This simple truth is the motivation for Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli: They initiate and realize water related projects in order to enable access to clean water for humans throughout the world. Unfortunately, many people on our planet are deprived of uncontaminated water. The Viva con Agua donation pin is meant to enable the construction of a water well in order to supply a whole village in a developing country with clean drinking water, thus protecting the inhabitants from diseases and affliction.

14.) Kinderkrebszentrum Hamburg e.V.
The association for the childcancer support in Hamburg supports the child cancerunit at the UKE (Eppendorf University Hospital). Approximately 600 children are being treated here both residential and ambulant. It is our goal to provide all means, material and staff wise, to support the patients in the best possible way and to enhance research as well as exchange of experience about reasons for and treatments against cancer in children. We also support parents who are in financial distress due to their child’s illness.

15.) Nestwerk e.V.
Especially young adults living in inner city regions lacking of infrastructure need adequate, continuous and gratuitous leisure time facilities to break through the vicious circle of poverty and neglect. State funding, due to empty cash reserves, isn’t enough, civic envolvment and practical help are needed. NestWerk sees its main role in offering low-threshold leisuretime and sports activities to help the children long term:

16.) Förderkreis zugunsten unfallgeschädigter Kinder e.V. (support network for children damaged by accidents)
The children suffering from damage through accidents have already cried enough from shock and pain. Thanks to good doctors they can run and jump again, but visiting their friends a few blocks over is something they cannot yet manage to do on their own. Building up trust and finding bravery within themselves is something they have to practice- with the help of Hamburg police men and women. Crossing streets, climbing trees and going on night walks is one way to practice. And going on two week excursions during the holidays into the snow, to the Baltic or to a horseback riding farm, just because it is fun and good for them!

17.) Hanseatic Help
Hanseatic Help has been supporting and providing for people in need since fall 2015, distributing donations to charitable organizations. We have supported refugees, homeless, women’s shelters and orphanages in Hamburg and surrounding counties with clothing and other articles of necessity for everyday life. Our honorary association does not only provide regularly for 150 institutions for people in need in Hamburg, but also delivers aid supplies to regions of crisis such as Syria, Iraq, Greece, Sicily or Haiti. Thousands of people have been initially provided with clothing and articles of hygiene.

18.) Kinderheim Kleine Strolche
Das Kinderheim Kleine Strolche wurde 2008 gegründet und bietet Soforthilfe für Säuglinge, Bereitschaftserziehungsstellen, Mutter-Kinder-Wohngruppen und familienanaloge Wohngruppen. Wir sind eines der wenigen Häuser in Deutschland mit einer Spezialisierung auf schwer traumatisierte und medizinisch herausfordernde Kinder von 0 bis 6 Jahren. Aufgrund dieser Spezialisierung legen wir großen Wert auf unsere heilpädagogischen, kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen und psychotherapeutischen Angebote unseres eigenen Therapiezentrums, denn je früher diese nach dem traumatischen Vorfall beginnen, umso besser sind die Heilungsaussichten.

19.) War Child
War Child supports children who are affected by war and armed conflicts in 19 countries worldwide, among others in Ukraine, the Near East, but also here in Hamburg. We are offering access to psychosocial support, protection and education. In safe surroundings, we are establishing a connection to the children with music, games and sports activities. Using scientifically confirmed methods, we are helping them to learn and to process and cope with their experiences. We cannot undo and erase their past and all the painful experiences that war brought into their young lives, but we can offer a space to heal – for a better future.

Recent Vote

Here you will find the TOP 19 of the last election of July 2024:

Children’s Hospice “Lionheart“ in Syke
Doctors without borders
Wish in life

4.) wünschdirwas e.V. (make a wish association)
5.) Bestohlen, beraubt, misshandelt - Der WEISSE RING hilft (Robbed or Abused, the WHITE RING Will Help)
6.) Hamburg Leuchtfeuer ("Hamburg Beacon")
7.) SOS Kinderdörfer (SOS Children’s Villages)
8.) Hands for children
9.) Kinderkrebszentrum Hamburg e.V. (Childcancer Hamburg e.V.)
10.) Viva Con Agua
11.) “The Shell” (mobile child and youth hospice service)
12.) War Child
13.) Mission Lebenshaus Hamburg
14.) Verein Leben im Abseits e.V. (transl.: Foundation ‚Marginal Existence’)
15.) Förderkreis zugunsten unfallgeschädigter Kinder e.V. (Registered Association for Children Injured in Accidents)
16.) Kinderheim Kleine Strolche (Children's home little hoodlums)
17.) Hanseatic Help
18.) Nestwerk e.V.
19.) The "Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Regenbogenland" (Children's and Youths' Hospice Rainbow Land)